
I need to be strong. I’m embarking on another period of change. And that feels unsettling at first. Steady the ship. Take stock. Rebuild.

I have a feeling that change is about to be accelerated, again without my foot on the pedal. But if I grip on to the steering wheel, I’ll steer through it. And then I’ll be back on the open road. Turning up the volume and laughing hysterically. And I’ll be happy that I held on instead of pulling over.

Whatever happens, I can only judge myself by how I react to the vagaries of life. It’s perceived injustices and it’s constant challenges. To feel out of control is uncomfortable, but how can I control all external influences?

It takes a period turbulence to remind me, sometimes, that I need to stand strong in the face of adversity. That no journey is without its trials. And that’s no bad thing.

One stands and wails. Pounding his fists on the door. Demanding you let him through. Threatening, angry. There’s one way forward, and that’s the way he’s going.

Another acknowledges the closed door. Checks its shut fast. Worries that the route planned won’t oblige. Sits down. Remembers why he embarked on this journey. Steels himself. Thinks not of the closed door, but of the journey yet to be had, and where it might lead. He stands up. Plots a new route. And moves again.

Who is strong?

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